Sherlock Report

All potential candidates in your sights

The Sherlock report is a component of the Expert Finding method from Profile Management. It is a custom made in-depth analysis of the market of your potential group of candidates

Market Mapping

In the first part of the Sherlock Report we offer an overview of the labor market (market mapping), including geographic and industry analyses. Market mapping identifies your competition in terms of recruitment.

Talent Mapping

In the second part of the Sherlock Report we closely examine the number of potential candidates and show their current employers (talent mapping). All candidates in the report meet the qualifications of the job profile. Talent mapping provides you with a clear picture of the potential group of candidates.

The Sherlock Report:

  • presents hard data in a comprehensible and clear way
  • is time saving and gives you a competitive advantage
  • gives you practically 100% insight into the group of potential candidates
  • is an outstanding tool when developing your recruitment strategy
  • helps internally with justifying recruitment initiatives and budgets
  • provides insight in your competitive position

Request a Sherlock Report? Call 08 50 60 70 90

Need a customized data analysis of the candidate market?

Milly ter HeegeSherlock Report